Corporate Governance
Basic Approach to Corporate Governance
The Group has the following Corporate Slogan and Corporate Philosophy as Corporate Mission.
Corporate Slogan:
For Ever Brighter SmilesCorporate Philosophy:
Contribute to healthy and enjoyable lifestyles throughoffering unique
products derived from advanced milk technology
The Group shall contribute to society through its business activities, based on its Corporate Mission, and shall continually work to develop and enhance a highly effective corporate governance system to achieve sustainable growth and increase corporate value, with the following basic policies.
- 1)Respect shareholders’ rights, and ensure equal treatment.
- 2)Respect the perspectives and rights of various stakeholders including our shareholders, customers, business partners, local communities, employees, and build proper relationships with them.
- 3)Disclose corporate information appropriately, and ensure transparency.
- 4)Build a structure in which each of the bodies comprising the corporate governance system organically collaborates, and ensure the effectiveness of functions supervising the execution of operations by the Board of Directors.
- 5)Aim to achieve sustainable growth and improve corporate value, and have constructive dialogue with shareholders who expect these aims and medium- to long-term profits to be realized.
It should be noted that the Company has prescribed the basic Group's corporate governance approach in the form of the Morinaga Milk Group: Corporate Governance Guidelines.
Morinaga Milk Group Corporate governance Guidelines (PDF218KB)
Corporate Governance Report
Corporate governance Report(Last Update:July 16, 2024)(PDF671KB)
Corporate Governance System
This page introduces the corporate governance system of the Group.
Board of Directors
This page allows you to check the composition policy of the Board of Directors, executive remuneration policy, etc.
Internal Control System
This page introduces the structure of the Group's Internal Control Committee.
Initiatives Related to Corporate Governance
This page introduces some of the initiatives being taken to develop and enhance highly effective corporate governance systems.