About our shares

Find answers to frequently asked questions about our stock and dividends.

Q What is your securities code number (ticker symbol)?
A Morinaga Milk’s securities code is 2264.
Q What is your annual dividend per share?
A please refer to this site.
Q What is your policy on dividends?
A The Company’s basic policy on dividends is to maintain stable dividends over the long term, keeping in mind the importance of financial soundness and internal reserves. Specifically, the Company aims for a dividend payout ratio of 30% (excluding one-off factors). For details, please refer to this site.

About the company

Find answers to frequently asked questions about our company.

Q When was the Morinaga Milk established?
A Morinaga Milk was established as Nippon Rennyu Co., Ltd. in 1917. Morinaga Milk Industry Co., Ltd., the company of today, was founded on April 13 1949, subsequent to a merger with and split from Morinaga & Co., Ltd.
Q On what stock exchange are the shares of Morinaga Milk listed?
A Morinaga Milk’s shares are listed on the Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
Q When were Morinaga Milk’s shares first listed on the stock exchange?
A Morinaga Milk first listed its shares on the Tokyo Stock Exchange on September 1, 1954.
Q Where are your offices, branches and production sites located?
A Please refer to this site.
Q Do you have global operations?
A Please refer to this site.
Q Could you provide information regarding your stock and major shareholders?
A Please refer to this site.
Q Could you provide information regarding your Board of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board members?
A Please refer to this site.

About our business operations

Find answers to frequently asked questions about our business.

Q What is your approach to management?
A Morinaga Milk is engaged in a Medium-term Business Plan, a three-year plan that runs from the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023 to the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025. Prior to drafting that business plan, we established the “Morinaga Milk Group 10-year Vision” looking one decade ahead in April 2019. For details, please refer to. this site.
Q Could you provide information about your Medium-term Business Plan?
A Morinaga Milk is engaged in a Medium-term Business Plan, a three-year plan that runs from the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023 to the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025. Prior to drafting that business plan, we established the “Morinaga Milk Group 10-year Vision” looking one decade ahead in April 2019. For details, please refer to  this site.
Q What kinds of products are offered by Morinaga Milk?
A Please refer to this site.
Q Could you provide information regarding your product mix in terms of net sales?
A Our operations are divided into four business segments consisting of the Nutrition and Healthcare Foods, Core Dairy Foods, B-to-B, and Global business. Please refer to this site for details on net sales and operating income in each of the business segments.
Q Could you provide information regarding your product R&D and R&D framework?
A Driven by R&D main theme which is “to explore the great power of milk and make maximum use of its advantages,” the Morinaga Milk Group engages in R&D designed to furnish customers with “products that contribute to health,” “safe, premium-quality products,” “delicious products that are easy to use,” and “products that offer enjoyment and peace of mind,” underpinned by its five research institutes consisting of the Food Research & Development Institute, Food Ingredients & Technology Institute, Wellness & Nutrition Science Institute, Next Generation Science Institute, and Food Solution Institute. For details, please refer to this site.
Q What business operations do you engage in other than those involving food products?
A Our business operations other than those involving food products include animal feed, and design and construction of plant equipment. Meanwhile, Morinaga Dairy Service Co., Ltd. deals in animal feed and Morinyu Sunworld Co. Ltd. handles procurement and sales of pet food. Morinaga Engineering Co., Ltd. engages in design and construction of plant equipment.
Q What companies do you have brand license agreements with?
A We maintain brand license agreements with Kraft, Sunkist and Lipton. For details, please refer to this site.

About our earnings results and financial data

Find answers to frequently asked questions about financial results and financial information.

Q When does your fiscal year end?
A Our fiscal year ends on March 31st each year.
Q What is your timeline with respect to releasing your announcements of financial results?
A For details, please refer to this site.
Q Where can I find information on your performance trends and financial benchmarks?
A For details, please refer to this site.
Q Where can I find your latest IR materials?
A For details, please refer to this site. It contains our financial results reports and financial results briefing session presentation materials.
Q Where can I find your Integrated Report?
A For details, please refer to this site.

About our CSR and ESG initiatives

Find answers to frequently asked questions about CSR and ESG.

Q Could you provide information on your CSR activities?
A We release information on our website regarding various initiatives that we undertake with the aim of helping to achieve a sustainable society.
For details, please refer to this site.
Q What initiatives do you engage in with the aim of reducing your impact on the environment?
A We take various steps geared to helping make the notion of a recycling-based society a reality, which involves cutting back on our energy consumption, carbon dioxide emissions, and generation of waste.
For details, please refer to this site.
Q What is your approach to carrying out social contribution activities?
A We engage in various initiatives that benefit society premised on commitment to our ties with society and our communities.
For details, please refer to this site.
Q Could you provide information your corporate governance practices?
A For details, please refer to this site.