Medium-term Business Plan
Morinaga Milk Group established the Morinaga Milk Group 10-year Vision in April 2019, setting out its vision for the next 10 years. Under the vision, we have established targets for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2029, aiming to achieve an “operating profit margin of at least 7%,” an “ROE of at least 10%,” and a “ratio of overseas sales of at least 15%,” underpinned by a vision in terms of where the Morinaga Milk Group sees itself one decade ahead in terms of becoming “a company that balances ‘delicious and pleasurable food’ with ‘health and nutrition’,” “a global company that exerts a unique presence worldwide,” and “a company that persistently helps make social sustainability a reality.”
Underpinned by this vision, we have established three basic policies for the new three-year Medium-term Business Plan that extends through the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025, which are “achieving sustainable growth by increasing the added value of our business,” “further strengthening our business base with an eye on the future,” and “financial strategies focused on efficiency,” and will aim to balance resolution of social issues and improvement of profitability as we pursue the plan. Additionally, we have formulated the “Sustainability Medium- to Long-Term Plan 2030,” in which 2030 targets and KPIs have been set for the three themes of “Food and Wellness,” “Resources and the environment,” and “People and Society.” It is placed at the core of management and will be carried out in conjunction with the Medium-term Business Plan.
With respect to numerical targets for the final fiscal year of the Medium-Term Business Plan (ending March 31, 2025), we are aiming for net sales of \570 billion, operating profit of \30 billion, profit attributable to owners of parent of \19 billion, operating profit to net sales ratio of 5.3%, ROE of 7.0%, and global business sales ratio of 12.3% (Revised on May 14, 2024.)
November 10, 2022 Notice Regarding of Numerical Targets in Medium-term Business Plan 2022-24
Long Term Vision (Morinaga Milk Group 10‐year Vision)
- Vision 1 A company that balances “delicious and pleasurable food” with “health and nutrition”
- Vision 2 A global company that exerts a unique presence worldwide
- Vision 3 A company that persistently helps make social sustainability a reality
10-year Targets
(for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2029)
- Operating profit margin
At least 7%
At least 10%
- Ratio of overseas sales
At least 15%
Basic Policies of the Medium-term Business Plan

Basic Policy Ⅰ Achieving Sustainable Growth by Increasing the Added Value of Our Business

Basic Policy Ⅱ Further Strengthening Our Business Base with an Eye on the Future

Basic Policy Ⅲ Financial Strategies Focused on Efficiency

Morinaga Milk Group Value Creation Process
In formulating the new Medium-Term Business Plan, we have defined the ideal state of value creation for realization of the 10-year Vision and beyond.
The Group has adopted “For Ever Brighter Smiles” as its corporate slogan and upholds its corporate philosophy of “contributing to healthy and enjoyable lifestyles.” All our activities are founded on our commitment to implement these and make them happen.
In the value creation process, the pursuit of “health value” and “tastiness and delightfulness” is set as the central axis of our business activities. The new Medium-Term Business Plan was also developed based on this central axis.
We will push forward with strengthening the Group’s financial and non-financial bases and enhancing corporate value, and use our business activities to contribute to the wellness and happiness of our customers. We will aim to realize the 10-year Vision and sustainable management beyond that.