Since fiscal 2022, the Morinaga Milk Group has been working on the Sustainability Medium- to Long-Term Plan 2030 with the aim of realizing sustainability management.
Society and environments surrounding us have been becoming increasingly uncertain with unpredictable events happening one after another. At this time in history, there will be considerable difficulty in identifying risks surrounding our business. However, if we can determine risks appropriately, it should be possible to turn transform challenges into opportunities.
For example, global issues such as a rising global population and aging of the population have great potential for the Morinaga Milk Group to create a new market. I believe if we can utilize expertise that we have cultivated in Japan to provide high-quality and high-value-added goods and services meeting the needs of other countries and regions that are facing challenges, it will bring us one step closer to our goal of “contributing to the health of 300 million people.” With the aim of balancing health of our customers and the Morinaga Milk Group’s growth, we will continue to advance out efforts.
At the same time, there are a lot of issues that are difficult to be solved by the Morinaga Milk Group’s efforts alone.
We recognize the severeness surrounding dairy management in Japan, but as it is difficult to bring about change by a single company’s efforts alone, I believe it is indispensable to collaborate with external organizations or groups by taking an industry-wide approach or promoting efforts through the entire supply chain.
In environmental aspects, we have been working on demonstration trials of MO Lagoon for Dairy, an excreta treatment system, aimed at reducing GHG emissions in dairy farming, and a study to reduce methane gas contained in dairy cows’ belch by providing fodder mixed with waste by-products of tea generated in the process of manufacturing tea beverages to dairy cows. Thus, we are working on various initiatives, advancing activities toward their practical use in the future.
In addition, whether we can continue to take on such challenges as a company depends on how we can promote the active participation and growth of employees, that is, human resources, the most important key sources for increasing corporate value. In addition to enhancing measures and system to build a corporate culture that allows diverse organizations and employees to work with vigor and enthusiasm, we aim to be a company that brings job satisfaction to employees through initiatives for improving engagement.
We are determined to continue to tackle challenges tirelessly toward the realization of sustainability management. I sincerely ask for your unwavering support going forward.
July 2024