Progress Towards Achieving Sustainability Management

To coincide with the 100th anniversary of its founding, Morinaga Milk formulated a new structure for its philosophy and began working to realize this new approach under the slogan "Making Sustainable Society a Reality." The initiatives related to sustainability that Morinaga Milk has taken in recent years are as follows.


November 2023
Sustainability Committee (confirmation of Medium- to Long-Term Sustainability Plan progress, discussion on each theme, etc.)
September 2023
Formulated Dairy Animal Welfare Policy, Guidelines for the Procurement of Raw Material Milk, and Guidelines for the Procurement of Palm Oil
April 2023
Sustainability Committee (confirmation of Medium- to Long-Term Sustainability Plan progress, discussion on each theme, etc.)
March 2023
Formulated Well-being Statement and Marketing Communication Policy


December 2022
Revised Human Rights Policy
October 2022
Sustainability Committee convened (status of promoting sustainability management, discussion on each theme, etc.), revised Quality Policy
July 2022
Held briefing session on Sustainability Medium- to Long-Term Plan 2030 for investors and media
May 2022
Announcement of results of TCFD scenario analysis
May 2022
Announcement of Sustainability Medium- to Long-Term Plan 2030
April 2022
Sustainability Committee convened (Confirmation of Sustainability Medium- to Long-Term Plan 2030 overview, discussion on each theme, etc.)
March 2022
Formulated Biodiversity Policy, Policy on Communities, and Supplier Guideline. Environmental Policy revised.


November 2021
Announcement of TCFD Governance System
October 2021
Sustainability Committee convened (Examination of Medium- to Long-Term Sustainability Plan, confirmation of progress toward KPIs, etc.)
September 2021
Formulation of tax policies
August 2021
Construction of a Business Site Sustainability Promotion System

Appointed Sustainability Promotion Leaders at 77 organizations in all business sites. Launched company-wide initiatives for integration of sustainability promotion activities into employees' daily duties.

July 2021
Launch of Medium- to Long-Term Sustainability Plan Formulation Project

Began studying the Medium- to Long-Term Sustainability Plan under the Medium- to Long-Term Sustainability Plan Formulation Project (SX Project)

June 2021
June 2021: Sustainability Division begins operations

The Sustainability Division was newly established to promote sustainable management that will lead to ongoing development of the Group. The CSR Promotion Department was renamed the Sustainability Promotion Department.
Simultaneously, the CSR Committee was renamed the Sustainability Committee.

April 2021
CSR Committee convened (Confirmation of directions for promoting sustainability management, confirmation of progress toward KPIs, etc.)
March 2021
Support for TCFD recommendations

In addition to expressing support for TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) recommendations, Morinaga Milk joined the TCFD Consortium, a forum for supporting companies and financial institutions to discuss related matters.

March 2021
Breast-Milk Substitutes (BMS) Marketing Policy formulated


October 2020
Anti-corruption Policy formulated
October 2020
CSR Committee convened (Confirmation of progress toward KPIs, etc.)


December 2019
CSR Committee convened (Confirmation of progress toward KPIs, etc.)
May 2019
Sustainability Initiatives in Management

An explicit statement was promulgated that business will have an ESG-focus in the Medium-term Business Plan (2019 – 2021) and KPIs were formulated for priority issues.

April 2019
Participation in the Japan Sustainable Palm Oil Network (JaSPON)
Morinaga Milk participated in the Japan Sustainable Palm Oil Network (JaSPON) as a founding member and served as director in order to accelerate the procurement and consumption of sustainable palm oil in the Japanese market with the aim of solving a range of problems in palm oil production related to the environment and development.
March 2019
Establishment of a Long-Term Vision (Morinaga Milk Group 10-Year Vision)


November 2018
Formulation of Human Rights Policy
June – July 2018
Participation in Stakeholder Engagement Program
February – May 2018
Formulation of Priority Issues

As part of the 2017 SDGs Study Group, Morinaga Milk formulated its Seven Priority Issues through a total of four workshops.

April 2018
Signed United Nations Global Compact

Morinaga Milk signed the United Nations Global Compact, which sets out protection of human rights, elimination of unfair labor, action on the environment, and prevention of corruption.

March 2018
Joined RSPO

Joined the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO).


June – July 2017
Participation in Stakeholder Engagement Program

Morinaga Milk representatives participated in programs (human rights due diligence workshops) organized by Caux Round Table (CRT) Japan. Five workshops involving a series of discussions with a variety of companies were held with NGOs/NPOs and experts around the topic of “Business and Human Rights” to identify serious human rights issues.

May 2017
SDGs Study Group

The SDGs Study Group was held with the participation of employees from a variety of departments and positions. Outside experts as instructors were invited to consider the relationship between the SDGs and corporate activities across the entire supply chain.

April 2017
Announcement of new corporate philosophy

Our new corporate philosophy was announced on April 1, 2017. At the same time, “For Ever Brighter Smiles,” which was created through the Co-Creation of Aspirations Project, became the new Corporate Slogan.


July 2016
Establishment of the CSR Committee

The CSR Committee, chaired by the President, was established.

The committee meets once every six months.

June 2016
Launch of CSR Promotion Department

The CSR Office, which was a part of the Investor & Public Relations Department, was reorganized as an independent entity, the CSR Promotion Department.

January 2016
Co-Creation of Aspirations Project

The project was launched in order to formulate a philosophy structure ahead of the 100th anniversary of the company’s founding. A two-day forum of employee volunteers was conducted to discuss the results of a questionnaire taken among all employees.