
Milk and Dairy Products

  • Title A milk coffee flavor lexicon developed based on the perceptions of Japanese consumers and its application to check-all-that-apply questions
    Author S.Hatakeyama, T.Kawaguchi, T.Yamaguchi, D.Yoshihara, K.Takahashi, M.Akiyama, R.Koizumi, K.Miyaji, Y.Takeda, M.Kokawa*, and Y.Kitamura*
    *Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba
    Journal Food Science and Technology Research 29(3): 197-209 (2023)
    Summary A milk coffee flavor lexicon was developed using the 53 terms obtained from Japanese consumers through qualitative and quantitative screening. The validity of the terms was confirmed by evaluating the milk coffee using a check-all-that-apply (CATA) question that applied the 53 terms from the lexicon. The developed flavor lexicon and its application to CATA will provide a new means for evaluating milk coffee from the perspective of Japanese consumers.