Quality Policy

Basic Philosophy
As a food company that aims to contribute to healthy and enjoyable lifestyles through offering unique products derived from advanced milk technology, the Morinaga Milk Group contributes to social sustainability by providing safe and reliable products and services.
Basic Policy
- We comply with laws, regulations, and standards to provide products and services that customers can trust.
- We provide safe and reliable products and services by continuously improving quality in each process of the food supply chain (product development, material procurement, manufacturing, distribution, and sales).
- We operate a food safety management system based on international standards to pursue better quality.
- We listen sincerely to our customers to provide products and services that satisfy customers.
- Each of us individually has a sense of responsibility toward quality, and strives to foster a culture of food safety and quality in order to contribute to the "health" and "happiness" of all people.
Est. September 2017
Rev. October 2022
Yohichi Ohnuki
President and Representative Director
Morinaga Milk Industry Co., Ltd.